Sunday, September 9, 2007
  Media is the new Black...
The media has evolved in such a terrific way in the past 10-20 years. It is incredible to observe the outcomes of certain media devices used today. The documentary we watched about Sesame Street, really portrayed a great deal of facts and information as to how media can or cannot effect children.

In the film itself, it was great to see media being used as an effective source to educate children. I feel that this type of media does, indeed help children learn. I do not believe, however, it is the primary source of their education, but it does play as an important "helper" in education. Especially in areas of which are not offered the type of education we are offered in the states.

For example, the Sesame Street in Africa that brought the HIV puppet into the mix was brilliant. To see the US get upset over that was embarrassing. Africa needs to be educated on HIV, it is the number one cause of death there. Children need to understand and learn about the disease as much as possible. To me, this is the type of media that definately helps children to learn about a difficult topic.

In this documentary another issue addressed was the never ending conflict with Albania and Serbia. The Sesame Street production was used to create a peace between the two and was giving the children a chance to have a clear sense of understanding between the two. I think that was a brilliant way to educate children not to judge one another.

Today, the media is the only way children are learning. Everything we take in comes from some sort of media source. What a huge effect this has. With the Harry Potter movies and books, something good was brought to children rather than what Xbox and Playstation brought. When Xbox 360 was release people were killed and robbed for their purchased products. The games purchased were that of prostitutes and gangs killing one another...On the other hand Harry Potter was released. Families were brought together...stood in line with eachother for a novel that would teach kids to be themselves and learn of their talents within.

This type of effect with media is a huge one. How amazing is it to see children with their families wait in line at midnight for a book instead of a playstation with violence and sex in it? Harry Potter really hit hte jack pot, teaching children good things, and how to be good people.

There are good things and bad things involved with media today for children. But we must find a way to filter out the bad and see the good...Media is NOT going away now. It is a part of our lives now, so we must be educated and smart enough to find a way to see and learn from good media as educational tools for children and filter out the bad...such as xbox 360.
Good post.

I do think you need to be clear about what you mean by "the media." This phrase gets thrown around a lot, and can mean so many things (news media, entertainments media, broadcast media, print media, etc.)

I am confused by one point. In your second paragraph, you write:
"In the film itself, it was great to see media being used as an effective source to educate children. I feel that this type of media does, indeed help children learn. I do not believe, however, it is the primary source of their education, but it does play as an important "helper" in education."

In your fifth paragraph, you write:
"Today, the media is the only way children are learning. Everything we take in comes from some sort of media source."

These two statements seem to contradict each other. Did you mean the first statement applied to a particular TYPE of media and the second was just a generalization? Or were you claiming to once upon a time media were "helpers" but now they've assumed a more primary educational role?

Also, you should identify the film for those not in our class. And don't forget to run spell-check.

Finally, I'm not sure you presented enough material to summarily judge the X-Box as "bad." Does it have no redeeming values? Are there not quite a variety of games available for all age groups?

Let's do bring these topics to the table, but be sure we provide background and support for our assertions.

Good start. Keep at it.
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This blog is a companion piece to CCJN4394:Media Effects taught by Dr. J. Richard Stevens at Southern Methodist University.

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