Funny Story
So I am sitting at my favorite lunch spot, Short Stop, in Snider Plaza, a place I go to for a quick newspaper read and sandwich and came across something funny. I was sitting by myself at the counter, surrounded by newspapers such as Quick and DMN, when this elderly woman came searching for a particular section.
"I want the "good news" section," she said to me with a smile. We both laughed and agreed that that was not possible.
"Look" she said, as she pointed out headline after headline of bad news. Finally, she found what she was looking for: The comic section.
"I can't handle the other stuff anymore" she said smiling at me. " I agree" I said back, as she walked to her table.
This tiny interaction with this woman really stuck with me because here is this elderly woman, that doesn't even want to read the news anymore. It's all bad! It effects her so much that she only likes to read the comics. This was just a small event that happened in my day, but it was just funny it happened to me because I am studying all this in my classes and understand the reasons why the news is all "bad."
It was a great interaction to write about and share. Atleast she finds joy in the comics!