Early Adopters are kind of STRANGE!
I was channel surfing earlier today when I came across something strange. I came across this Halo 3 countdown show and decided to watch it for a little while. I was sitting there watching these people that were waiting in inline for hours just to be the first to get their hands on a video game. Now I’m a guy and I do enjoy the occasional video game from time to time, but I don’t think I would ever classify myself as being in the “early adopter” category. I mean the average age of the people in line was probably about 25. One guy was even quoted as saying “I’m done with school; I have nothing to do, all I have time for Halo!” I’m sitting there thinking to myself “if I were done with school I would have something to do, it’s called a job!” I never understood people that have to have the latest thing first. I mean it will be there tomorrow, and three months from now it will be cheaper. Just ask the people who waited in line for three days and paid $600 for an i-phone.