Sunday, September 30, 2007
  Media can make you act like a child again....
I remember a few years back when the movie "The Grudge" came out. It was around the time "The Ring" and "Saw" and all those sorted movies were being released. In highschool, I was always the one that wanted to watch these scarey movies. I thought i was so cool, because my girl friends were always too scared to watch them. I guess I hit my limit with theses movies.

I watched "The Ring" and was completely freaked out, but it wasn't effecting my day to day life, I would just occasionally think about it and cringe a bit. Then, I saw "The Grudge." I have never in my life been so disturbed by a film. This movie, along with parts of "The Ring" took over my life! For two years I was having nightmares. I know this may sound odd, but I had to get a perscription for sleeping medication because I was not able to sleep! Crazy how media can effect some one as it did to me.

If you have seen "The Grudge" there are certain images that no human should be sortid enough to even imagine! I mean jeez, how were these directors brought up? Let me say, their imaginations are certainly much more broad and artistic than my own. I actually admire such creativity, but I know I am not stable enough to watch these types of movies.

In our Media effects class, we spoke about things in these films that actually make the movie scarey. Its not just the images, but its really the sound effects that do it. In "The Grudge" the most haunting sound was the deafening silence, sometimes with just rumbles splashed here and there. Lord, that can drive someone nuts!

Even now, I will be lying in my bed watching television, and a preview for the next "Grudge" will come on, and honestly, I have to put the mute button on and close my eyes. When the film was coming out of DVD, the commercials always played to promote it! I had to fall asleep with the FOOD network on because the FOOD network never plays commercials like those.

Media effected my life drastically for a while, and not in a good way. It is so interesting to see how something like a film, can change someones life. I now know I can not watch these films. Being such a scary movie gurue now turned into the girls I made fun of in highschool. Crazy.
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This blog is a companion piece to CCJN4394:Media Effects taught by Dr. J. Richard Stevens at Southern Methodist University.

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