One second of nipple over 20 seconds of cleavage
Alright - I just couldn't past this brilliant blog moment. I was going about my morning ritual (Today Show - coffee - get ready) and there was a commercial for Playtex bras.
It was 30 seconds of women just wearing a bra with their cleavage shouting "Good Morning." It made me think about all the ruckus over Janet Jackson's (pardon me - not being vulgar) one second of nipple exposure. The issue was what it would do to our children. Well... these women were on a morning show that gains a good significanct amount of children watching and WHAT was amazing was these women were placing their hands over their own (again pardon me) boobs. I can see now how a little girl or boy would mimmick these women and I'm sure some mothers would just laugh it off and think... oh how cute (observational and learning models).... just a ranting thought!